Collective Clicks: Digital Marketing for Real Estate Investors

What Top Earners Do Differently: Robert Wensley & Jerry Norton on PPC Lead Conversion

Bateman Collective

Want your PPC leads to actually convert? Tune in as these pros decode exactly what high-performing teams do differently. You'll get the inside scoop on how to skyrocket your ROI by responding faster, assuming motivation, and making killer first impressions. No more leads slipping through the cracks! Whether you're just starting out or want to take your PPC game to the next level, this podcast delivers hard data and field-tested tactics to set you up for success. Press play now to hear the strategies that separate 6-figure earners from the rest.

0:00 - Introduction

1:36 - Looking at data from most successful vs least successful clients

2:06 - 3 measurable things you can do to boost conversion

2:30 - Getting leads within 60 seconds 

5:06 - Strategies to maximize conversions

7:51 - Monitor initial response time and have after hours response service

9:06 - Urgency extends beyond just the first call

11:51 - Tracking contact time objectively in CRM

13:06 - Top clients go on 4x more appointments but close 2x as many deals

14:26 - Assuming motivation until proven otherwise

15:41 - Loose qualification standards for PPC vs cold leads

17:16 - It's about what you're willing to pay, not what they're asking

20:06 - Quality first impressions matter - who's on the initial call

23:16 - Technical problem solving comes at closing, emotional comes early

26:01 - Data shows teams without lead manager perform better

32:06 - Summary of 3 key strategies

34:53 - End

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